„Be a ’48 hussar yourself!!” – 15 March in the House of Hungarians

Time: 11.30 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. 15 March 2013
Venue: Budapest, Szentháromság tér 6.

On our national holiday, a variety of children’s and family programmes await visitors in the hall of the House of Hungarians. Some of the programmes on offer: display of hussar clothing and arms; inauguration of little hussars; courage, strength and skills tests; musical hussar recruitment; wooden sword fighting and stick dance; stories and tale plays from ’48 performed by the Csikótojás Társulat.

Detailed programme:

11.30 a.m.
Musical recruitment at Szentháromság tér.   

11.40 a.m.
Display of hussar clothing and arms.

12.00 p.m.  
Hussar trials: horseshoe throwing, horseshoe strength test, circle poking, barrel riding, jacket buttoning competition and other skills tests. Those successfully completing the hussar trials will be inaugurated as little hussars.

12.30 p.m.
Erős János – a play.

12.50 p.m.
Wooden sword fighting and stick dance – instruction in traditional weapon dances.

1.20 p.m.
Display of hussar clothing and arms.

1.40 p.m.
Hussar trials: horseshoe throwing, horseshoe strength test, circle poking, barrel riding, jacket buttoning competition and other skills tests. Those successfully completing the hussar trials will be inaugurated as little hussars.

2.10 p.m.
The Szekler bride – a play.

2.30 p.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Hussar trials: horseshoe throwing, horseshoe strength test, circle poking, barrel riding, jacket buttoning competition and other skills tests. Those successfully completing the hussar trials will be inaugurated as little hussars.

The members of the Hungarian Hussar and Military Traditions Association, the Mogyoródi Sándor Hussars, the members and hussars of the Csikótojás Társulat and the members of the Hungarian National Brass Quintet will feature in the programmes.